BBQ (3 Kg)

BBQ (3 Kg)
EAN 13 4065019153860
Brand BBQ
Brand owner ALDI NORD
Type of charcoal Standard
Conditioning 3 Kg
Declared Species Acacia (Senegalia), Purple-Pod Terminalia (Terminalia prunioides), Sicklebush (Dichrostachys cinerea)
Location of production site Namibia
Certification FSC 100%
Health and safety instruction printed on bag? Yes
Score C

How is this score calculated?


Score verified by Earthworm teams during their field checks (environment, production, distribution, human rights, safety and transparency of the chain).

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Earthworm Score


Score verified by Earthworm teams during their field checks (environment, production, distribution, human rights, safety and transparency of the chain).

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Earthworm Score


Score determined in our big declarative survey for brands on charcoal transparency.

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Survey Score


Score determined in our big declarative survey for brands on charcoal transparency.

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Survey Score


As the data on the impact on the forest, the production and the transport of this product is unknown, no carbon score is currently assigned to it.

Carbo Score non évalué


As the data on the impact on the forest, the production and the transport of this product is unknown, no carbon score is currently assigned to it.

Carbo Score non évalué

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