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Check it immediately with the Charcoal Transparency Initiative benchmark !

The Charcoal Transparency Initiative - CTI

From forest to BBQ...


The platform is designed to bring more transparency to
the entire industry with two main objectives :

To serve as a communication channel to raise consumer awareness about the social and environmental issues of charcoal and to tell the story of the products.

To connect all private actors involved in the production, trade, and delivery of responsible charcoal, giving them access to all Earthworm reports and documentation.

We work with retailers, importers and charcoal producers to help them establish and implement responsible purchasing policies.

Beyond a logo or certification, we enable consumers to access the stories behind the products they purchase.

What is
responsible charcoal ?

Responsible charcoal is the answere given by Earthworm Foundation to face the opacity of the sector.

This concept focuses on producing charcoal in a transparent way that is free from any social and environmental risks along the supply chain,
from the forest to the consumer.

Based on our field experience, responsible charcoal
must meet the following criteria :

Based on our field experience, responsible charcoal
must meet the following criteria :

picto foret

Sustainable management
of the forest
and of the environment

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picto humain

Respect of human
health and safety

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picto usine

Production and
processes controlled

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Transparency of
the charcoal
supply chain

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Photo argument foret

To be considered responsible, the wood used for charcoal production must come from undisturbed, non-degraded and sustainably managed forests
- this explains the need for transparency to trace the charcoal back to the origin of the wood.

Learn more : Did you know that there is a piece of forest inside your charcoal bag ?
Want to know more about our zero deforestation approach and our assessment methodology ?
Clic here to learn more.

Photo argument humain

To be considered responsible, workers' rights must be respected and their working conditions must be decent.

Learn more : working as a charcoal producer in a messy atmosphere makes this job very difficult.

Want to know more about our Zero Exploitation / Respect approach?
Click here.

Photo argument usine

The environmental impact of charcoal production varies according to the carbonization technologies used.

To be considered responsible, the charcoal must preferentially be produced using low-polluting technologies and the through clear traceability and quality processes.

Learn more: Did you know that between 4 to 12 kg of wood are necessary for the production of 1kg of coal ? Do you want to discover how the wood is transformed into charcoal as well as our evaluation methodology?
Click here.

Photo argument transparance

To be considered responsible, it is essential to know exactly where the wood used to produce the charcoal comes from.

A transparent supply chain, from the forest to the consumer, requires precise identification of each link in this chain.

At the production level, this implies a precise quantification of incoming wood and imported charcoal produced outside of the factory.Transparency is the key to guarantee responsible charcoal.
Learn more : Click here.

picto foret

Sustainable management
of the forest
and of the environment

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Photo argument foret

To be considered responsible, the wood used for charcoal production must come from undisturbed, non-degraded and sustainably managed forests
- this explains the need for transparency to trace the charcoal back to the origin of the wood.

Learn more : Did you know that there is a piece of forest inside your charcoal bag ?
Want to know more about our zero deforestation approach and our assessment methodology ?
Clic here to learn more.

picto humain

Respect of human
health and safety

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Photo argument humain

To be considered responsible, workers' rights must be respected and their working conditions must be decent.

Learn more : working as a charcoal producer in a messy atmosphere makes this job very difficult.

Want to know more about our Zero Exploitation / Respect approach?
Click here.

picto usine

Production and
processes controlled

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Photo argument usine

The environmental impact of charcoal production varies according to the carbonization technologies used.

To be considered responsible, the charcoal must preferentially be produced using low-polluting technologies and the through clear traceability and quality processes.

Learn more: Did you know that between 4 to 12 kg of wood are necessary for the production of 1kg of coal ? Do you want to discover how the wood is transformed into charcoal as well as our evaluation methodology?
Click here.


Transparency of
the charcoal
supply chain

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Photo argument transparance

To be considered responsible, it is essential to know exactly where the wood used to produce the charcoal comes from.

A transparent supply chain, from the forest to the consumer, requires precise identification of each link in this chain.

At the production level, this implies a precise quantification of incoming wood and imported charcoal produced outside of the factory.Transparency is the key to guarantee responsible charcoal.
Learn more : Click here.