Domedia (FSC - C019044) (4 Kg)

Domedia (FSC - C019044) (4 Kg)
EAN 13 3250392729424
Brand Domedia (FSC - C019044)
Brand owner Les Mousquetaires
Type of charcoal Standard
Conditioning 4 Kg
Declared Species Hêtre, Chêne, Charme, Bouleau, Aulne,...
Location of production site Pologne
Certification FSC
Health and safety instruction printed on bag? Yes
Score terrain pas encore calculé

How is this score calculated?


On-site observations could not be carried out at this stage for this product due to insufficient means or a complex situation (economic, sanitary, war,...) no Field Observation score is currently attributed to this product.

Score non évalué


On-site observations could not be carried out at this stage for this product due to insufficient means or a complex situation (economic, sanitary, war,...) no Field Observation score is currently attributed to this product.

Score non évalué


Score determined in our big declarative survey for brands on charcoal transparency.

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Survey Score


Score determined in our big declarative survey for brands on charcoal transparency.

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Survey Score


Evaluation of the product's carbon impact.

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Carbo Score


Evaluation of the product's carbon impact.

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Carbo Score