Charbon de bois Gaulois Briquettes (5 Kg)

Charbon de bois Gaulois Briquettes (5 Kg)
EAN 13 3425340000843
Brand Charbon de bois Gaulois Briquettes
Brand owner Soler
Type of charcoal Briquettes
Conditioning 5 Kg
Declared Species Pin maritime et feuillus locaux
Location of production site France
Certification PEFC, Bois de France, OFG
Carbon Fix Rate 78 %
Health and safety instruction printed on bag? Yes
Score A++

How is this score calculated?


Score verified by Earthworm teams during their field checks (environment, production, distribution, human rights, safety and transparency of the chain).

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Earthworm Score


Score verified by Earthworm teams during their field checks (environment, production, distribution, human rights, safety and transparency of the chain).

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Earthworm Score


Score determined in our big declarative survey for brands on charcoal transparency.

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Survey Score


Score determined in our big declarative survey for brands on charcoal transparency.

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Survey Score


Evaluation of the product's carbon impact.

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Carbo Score


Evaluation of the product's carbon impact.

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Carbo Score

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